KAYAK Search-Widget API


To use the API, copy and paste the following script tag in the bottom of the markdown file:

<script type="text/JavaScript" src="https://www.kayak.com/affiliate/widget-v2.js"></script>

Then, initiate the search-widget with the following command:

container: containerElem, /* more options */

The widget loads inside the container element, and fills the containing element entirely.


The following are allowed values in the options supplied to the function




KAYAK Product tat will be displayed first (by default) on the widget. One must pass a Javascript String. For the time being supported products are "flights" or "hotels" (default product displayed is "hotels", if the value is not provided).

Enabled KAYAK products on the widget. One must pass in a Javascript Array of product names as String (default: ["flights", "hotels"]).

It is used by the widget to associate the search with an affiliate. A JavaScript object of type String.

A JavaScript object of type String. Used by the search-widget to associate the search with a particular placement.

The URL to which a user will be redirected to from the widget (default: "www.kayak.com"). A JavaScript object of type String.

The origin value. Must be an object of type String. Note that origin only affects the flights section.

The destination value. Must be a JavaScript object of type String. Note that destination only affects the flights section.

The start date for the trip. Must be a Javascript String with the following format: yyyy-mm-dd (default: two weeks after day of page-load).

The end date for the trip. Must be a Javascript String with the following format: yyyy-mm-dd (default: three weeks after day of page-load).

Whether to navigate to the https, or non-https version of KAYAK. Must be a Javascript Boolean. Either true or false (default: true).

Can be used when widget is used internally from kayak host, that way it will load all resources from current host. Must be a Javascript Boolean. true or false (default: false).

Flights search default trip type value. Can be one of the following: rt or ow or mc (no default value but in this case the round-trip flights search section will be displayed).

Default cabin type value for flight search. Can be one of the following: economy or business or first (default: economy).

This option sets the flight the type of travelers dropdown. Must be a Javascript Boolean. If it is set to true, all types of travelers would be shown (adults, children, etc.). If it is set to false, the sole and only travelers row will be shown (default: false).

Sets default travelers count in flight search if fullTravellers is set to false. Javascript Number between 1-6 (default: 1).

Sets default adults count in flight search if fullTravellers is set to true. Javascript Number between 1-6 (default: 1).

Sets default youths count in flight search if fullTravellers is set to true. Javascript Number between 0-6 (default: 0).

Sets default children count in flight search if fullTravellers is set to true. Javascript Number between 0-6 (default: 0).

Sets default lapInfants count in flight search if fullTravellers is set to true. Javascript Number between 0-6 (default: 0).

Sets default infantSeat count in flight search if fullTravellers is set to true. Javascript Number between 0-6 (default: 0).

Callback Function used to warn about the incorrect count of lap infants (usually lap infants cannot exceed the number of adults).

function (boolean, widgetWindow) {
/*some code*/
  1. boolean is a boolean that show to either hide or show the warning
  2. widgetWindow is the window that contains the warning container

Callback Function used to show any type of validation error in the form of

function (string) {
/*some code*/

String param is the error message provided by the search form

Represents country code. JavaScript object of type String. It is of a form of 2 lower-case letter, e.g. us for United States or jp for Japan (no default value).

Represents locale code. JavaScript object of type String. It is of a form of 2 lower-case letter, e.g. fr for French or jp for Japanese (no default value).

Represent currency code. JavaScript object of type String. It is of a form of 3 upper-case letter, e.g. JPY for Japanese currency or EUR for Euros (no default value).

Defines whether the widget window should resize on browser resize (legacy option). Either true or false (default: false).

Represents the deep-link value. A JavaScript object of type String. When defined, wraps flights and hotels URL with deep-link as a prefix (default value is empty).

A Javascript callback Function called after widget layout is loaded for the first time (no default value).

function () {
/*some code*/

Javascript callback Function called if flights or hotels validation fails. If the function is not explicitly defined, it redirects to /hotels or /flights accordingly).

Represents the alignment value for date picker. If it is set to center, it will center date picker widget to the corresponding date field. Javascript object of type String. Supports only “center” value (no default value).

Does not perform an /in redirect while redirecting. A Javascript Boolean (default: false).

If set to true, performs an /in redirect on the client side when cc, lc and mc is defined. If set to false, does not perform an /in redirect on the client side (default: true).


Here is example code that can be used to embed the search-widget:

<div style="height:500px;width: 500px;">
<div id="kayakSearchWidgetContainer"></div>
<script type="text/javaScript" src="https://www.kayak.com/affiliate/widget-v2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javaScript">
container: document.getElementById("kayakSearchWidgetContainer"),
hostname: "www.kayak.com",
autoPosition: true,
defaultProduct: "hotels",
enabledProducts: ["hotels", "flights"],
startDate: "2018-10-02",
endDate: "2018-10-28",
origin: "New York, NY",
destination: "Boston, MA",
ssl: true,
affiliateId: "acme_corp",
isInternalLoad: false,
lc: "en",
cc: "us",
mc: "EUR"