KAYAK Travel Trivia Junior


Oceans, cities, landmarks and more. Test your travel knowledge and learn about the world with KAYAK Trivia. (You may just know more than you think).

What city is the Eiffel Tower located in?

1 point
Correct! Wrong!

How many continents are there in the world?

1 point
Correct! Wrong!

How many oceans are there in the world?

1 point
Correct! Wrong!

What is the longest river in Africa?

1 point
Correct! Wrong!

Where is this landmark located?

1 point
Correct! Wrong!

That’s the Sydney Opera House in Sydney, Australia!

Which 2 countries share the longest border in the world?

1 point
Correct! Wrong!

The USA-Canada border is 5,526 miles long!

What is the tallest mountain on Earth?

1 point
Correct! Wrong!

Mt. Everest is located in the Himalayan Mountains in Asia and is a whopping 29,029 ft. tall!

What is the smallest US state?

1 point
Correct! Wrong!

What is the biggest US state?

1 point
Correct! Wrong!

What river flows through the rainforest of Brazil?

1 point
Correct! Wrong!

What country in Europe is famously shaped like a boot?

1 point
Correct! Wrong!

How many oceans border Canada?

1 point
Correct! Wrong!

In what country would you find the Great Pyramids?

1 point
Correct! Wrong!

What country is also a continent?

1 point
Correct! Wrong!

What is the biggest continent in the world?

1 point
Correct! Wrong!

Travel Trivia: Kid Edition
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