

Most popular ski and snowboard destinations

Destinations with the most searches for Stays from a list of ski and snowboard destinations curated by the KAYAK Marketing team based on search dates from 5/1/22 – 9/15/22 for travel dates of 11/1/22 – 4/30/23. Median prices for airfare, hotel rates and car rental rates were determined using searches from 5/1/22-9/15/22 for travel between 11/1/22-4/30/23. Airfare is round trip pricing with a US origin. Hotel and car rates are daily median rates excluding taxes and fees.


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Winter deal destinations in Europe

KAYAK US considered economy, round trip flights with the greatest decrease in price from the summer to winter seasons in 2022. For the summer months, search dates 3/15/22 – 7/1/22 and travel dates 5/28/22 – 9/5/22 were used. For winter months, search dates 6/1/22 – 9/15/22 and travel dates 11/18/22 – 1/2/23 were used. Median airfare, median nightly hotel/vacation rental rates and median daily rental car rates by month for each destination are based on the above indicated search and travel dates. Airfare is round trip pricing with a US origin. Hotel and car rates are daily median rates excluding taxes and fees.


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Affordable destinations for winter

KAYAK US considered round trip, economy flight destinations with the lowest median airfare that experience winter weather during travel dates 11/18/22 – 1/2/23 for search dates 6/1/22 – 9/15/22. Median airfare, median nightly hotel/vacation rental rates and median daily rental car rates by month for each destination are based on the above indicated search and travel dates. Airfare is round trip pricing with a US origin. Hotel and car rates are daily median rates excluding taxes and fees.


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