Airport fast food
You are allowed to bring airport fast food. Because 61% of travelers don’t mind the smell of burger.
You are not allowed to bring antlers. Because 67% of travelers aren’t into your trophies.
Arm rests
You are not allowed to claim both armrests just because you’re the middle seat. Because 57% of travelers think everybody has arms that need resting.
Asking to sit next to a friend/partner/family member
You are allowed to ask to sit next to a family member/partner/friend. Because 58% of travelers have a grain of empathy.
Asking to switch seats
You are allowed to ask to switch seats if you ask politely. Because 54% of travelers have a soft spot for common courtesy.
BBQ ribs
You are not allowed to bring a rack of BBQ ribs. Because 84% of travelers will happily cancel you online.
Borrowing items
You are not allowed to ask to borrow something from your seat neighbor. Because 86% of travelers think it puts people in an uncomfortable position.
Bowling ball
You are allowed to bring a bowling ball. Because 57% of travelers know you’ll have to carry it.
Bringing a baby
You are allowed to bring a baby. Because 74% of travelers aren’t monsters.
Bringing a toddler
You are allowed to bring a toddler. Because 78% of travelers don’t put themselves before the well-being of families.
Call button
You are not allowed to call the flight attendant over more than once. Because 66% of travelers think there are also other people here.
Clipping nails
You are not allowed to clip your nails. Because 92% of travelers don’t like nails flying through the cabin.
Covering your mouth
You are not allowed to cough or sneeze without covering your mouth and nose. Because 68% of travelers don’t want whatever you’ve got.
Cremated remains
You are allowed to bring cremated remains. Because 72% of travelers assume you’re not gonna open the bag.
Crunchy food
You are not allowed to bring crunchy food. Because 55% of travelers prefer mouths not munching.
You are not allowed to drool. Because 57% of travelers don’t salute the saliva.
Ear picking
You are not allowed to pick your ears. Because 93% of travelers would love an earwax free flight.
Eyebrow plucking
You are not allowed to pluck your eyebrows. Because 90% of travelers don’t want your monobrow in their eye.
You are not allowed to fart. Because 91% of travelers don’t welcome bottom burps. Nevermind the other 9%.
Feet placement
You are not allowed to put your feet against the seat in front of you. Because 68% of travelers think feet belong on the ground.
Filing your nails
You are not allowed to file your nails. Because 81% of travelers have something against nail dust.
Finger food
You are allowed to bring finger food. Because 54% of travelers also like to get their hands dirty.
Flip flops
You are allowed to wear flip flops. Because 64% of travelers think beach footwear is better than no footwear.
You are not allowed to floss. Because 89% of travelers don’t need to see the inside of your mouth.
Fresh eggs
You are not allowed to bring fresh eggs. Because 66% of travelers think it’s asking for trouble.
Gassy foods
You are not allowed to bring food that makes you gassy. Because 85% of travelers know who’s gonna pay the price.
Hair brushing
You are not allowed to brush your hair. Because 72% of travelers don’t want your follicles free-ranging.
Hair placement
You are not allowed to hang your hair over the headrest. Because 74% of travelers don’t want your mullet in their fruit salad.
Hard-boiled eggs
You are not allowed to bring hard-boiled eggs. Because 74% of travelers will boil over.
You are not allowed to watch anything without headphones. Because 70% of travelers like hearing their own music.
High heels
You are allowed to wear high heels. Because 67% of travelers think fancy footwear is better than no footwear.
Knitting needles
You are allowed to bring knitting needles. Because 58% of travelers have got 99 problems but a stitch ain’t one.
Legs in the aisle
You are not allowed to fall asleep with your legs in the aisle. Because 78% of travelers know other humans use the aisle, too.
You are not allowed to laugh loudly at a movie. Because 58% of travelers weigh their peace over your joy.
You are not allowed to apply makeup. Because 55% of travelers don’t like wheezing from the powder.
Meeting seatmates
You are allowed to introduce yourself to your seatmate. Because 72% of travelers don’t think it’s thaaat creepy.
Nail painting
You are not allowed to paint your nails. Because 92% of travelers know turbulence isn’t french tip friendly.
Open-toed shoes
You are allowed to wear open-toed shoes. Because 80% of travelers think any footwear is better than no footwear.
You are not allowed to spray perfume. Because 92% of travelers want to breathe freely.
You are not allowed to eat a full pizza. Because 76% of travelers don’t like smelling good things they can’t have.
Power outlets
You are not allowed to claim more than one power outlet. Because 67% of travelers might be on 5% battery too.
Pretending to sleep
You are not allowed to pretend you’re asleep when your seatmate needs you to get up. Because 66% of travelers think that’s just cruel.
Raw fish
You are not allowed to bring raw fish Because 91% of travelers think it’s a crime against airplane humanity.
Raw meat
You are not allowed to bring raw meat. Because 80% of travelers think your meat can wait.
Reading light
You are allowed to turn on your reading light at night. Because 80% of travelers think you always have the right to read.
Removing nail polish
You are not allowed to remove nail polish. Because 92% of travelers prefer most smells to acetone.
Restroom without shoes
You are not allowed to use the restroom without shoes. Because 79% of travelers worry what your socks are bringing back.
Scary or violent movies
You are allowed to watch scary or violent movies. Because 78% of travelers think offended passengers can look away.
You are not allowed to bring live seafood. Because 78% of travelers can’t understand why you’d need to.
Seat grabbing
You are not allowed to grab the front seat when getting up. Because 76% of travelers don’t like to literally get taken aback.
Seat kicking
You are allowed to ask someone to stop kicking the seat. Because 72% of travelers think stopping is a good compromise.
Seat reclining
You are allowed to recline your seat. Because 88% of travelers think the button is there for a reason.
Seatmate’s screen
You are allowed to watch your seatmate’s screen. Because 61% of travelers don’t think it’s weird.
Shock collar
You are not allowed to bring a shock collar. Because 68% of travelers think… seriously, it’s a shock collar.
You are not allowed to take off your shoes. Because 56% of travelers think there’s a difference between a plane and a beach.
Shoulder to lean on
You are not allowed to lean on other people’s shoulders. Because 81% of travelers like their shoulders free of strangers.
Skeleton bones
You are not allowed to bring artificial skeleton bones. Because 52% of travelers don’t care if they’re artificial.
Skincare routine
You are not allowed to do a skincare routine. Because 78% of travelers think it can wait for the hotel bathroom.
You are not allowed to sleep across multiple seats if they are all free. Because 64% of travelers think your good fortune should go punished.
Sleeping on the tray table
You are allowed to sleep on the tray table. Because 59% of travelers think you should do what your spine allows.
Sleeping through the meal
You are allowed to sleep through the meal. Because 88% of travelers know sometimes sleep > food.
You are allowed to wear slippers. Because 58% of travelers think snuggly footwear is better than no footwear.
Smelly food
You are not allowed to bring smelly food. Because 92% of travelers have fully functioning olfactory sensory neurons.
You are allowed to wear sneakers. Because 95% of travelers think comfy footwear is better than no footwear.
You are not allowed to snore loudly. Because 66% of travelers would rather listen to anything else.
You are not allowed to take off your socks. Because 76% of travelers prefer their vision free of toes.
Speaking to people wearing headphones
You are not allowed to speak to people who are wearing headphones. Because 90% of travelers understand it’s the universal signal for “do not disturb.”
Streaming movies
You are allowed to stream movies on the plane wifi. Because 90% of travelers think your wifi fee is your prerogative.
Switching seat because nervous
You are not allowed to ask to switch seats just because you’re a nervous flyer. Because 64% of travelers think everyone’s a little nervous, not just you.
Switching seat because why not
You are not allowed to ask to switch seats just because you don’t like your seat. Because 77% of travelers think you get what you get and you don’t get upset.
Talking to friends in other rows
You are not allowed to talk to friends in other rows. Because 80% of travelers don’t care about your buddy, pal.
Talking with seatmate
You are allowed to talk non-stop with your seatmate. Because 52% of travelers don’t mind chit chat.
Telling off others’ kids
You are not allowed to tell off other people’s kids for misbehaving. Because 90% of travelers think that’s not your job.
Texting with sound
You are not allowed to text with the sound on. Because 94% of travelers aren’t fond of ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.
Tinned fish
You are not allowed to bring tinned fish. Because 89% of travelers think it’s literally like opening a can of worms.
You are not allowed to use a toothpick. Because 77% of travelers think this isn’t a rodeo.
Waking up for bathroom
You are allowed to wake people up so you can use the bathroom. Because 64% of travelers think the alternative is way more disgusting.
Waking up for food
You are not allowed to wake people up for food. Because 76% of travelers know sometimes sleep > food.
You are allowed to control the window shade if you have the window seat. Because 77% of travelers think window democracy is a pipe dream.
You are not allowed to do yoga in the aisle. Because 83% of travelers think you can lotus later.
Zit popping
You are not allowed to pop zits. Because 94% of travelers prefer pimple popping on TV.