
The sweepstakes has now ended, follow KAYAK on social to stay in the know and hear of future sweepstakes.

linGO Sweepstakes

Your chance to experience a new place and language, all in one. If traveling is a means to learn and grow – imagine how much more you could learn about a new place if you could speak the language. Together with Babbel, KAYAK is launching the linGO Giveaway to allow you the opportunity to have the ultimate learning experience. See the official sweepstakes terms and conditions here.

The Grand Prize:

Three (3) winners will receive…


Two (2) round trip tickets.


A place to stay for their trip.


A lifetime subscription to Babbel.

The Second-tier Prize:

Twelve (12) winners will receive…

A lifetime Babbel subscription

Unlock your multilingual potential with a lifetime subscription to Babbel.