
We’re excited to announce that KAYAK hotel search results now provide aggregated user review information from leading travel sites. Each hotel result now includes an aggregated user rating score, review summaries from the reputation data management experts at TrustYou, and millions of verified reviews from leading travel sites including, Travelocity and

TrustYou review summaries are based on sentiment analysis of hundreds of millions of reviews of over 400,000 hotels worldwide, across 23 languages. That is a lot of reviews. And hotels. And languages.
We’re also working to integrate review content from Expedia and among others. For those who prefer the advice of an expert, don’t fret – our expert ratings from Lonely Planet, Travel & Leisure and Jetsetter will still be available.
Oh. In case you didn’t already notice, we also changed our homepage design today. Quite simply, the new design is simpler with fewer parameters in each search form, making KAYAK even easier to use.
Have fun finding your next great hotel.
(Hotel Reviews & New website design)