
Today we added a new hotel filter that lets you narrow your hotel search to recommendations from the experts at Frommer’s Travel and Budget Travel. This new feature is going to change the way you find hotels from now on. You’re welcome.

To help explain why, let’s play a game. Say you’re planning a vacation to a city you’ve never visited and you’ve found a killer flight deal on a roundtrip ticket (yay!), and now it’s time to find the right hotel. But before you even start searching, you know that finding the right hotel can be a pain in the you know what.

Take Rome for example. Enter your dates on KAYAK and voila, you have narrowed it down to nearly 2,000 hotel choices. Not to fret. Our instant filters help you easily narrow your choices down even further. But filtering can only get you so far. Selecting 4 and 5 star hotels, if you’re uppity like that, might make you miss a great B&B or boutique hotel. And then after filtering for hotels within five miles of the Spanish steps, and less than $400 a night, you’re still faced with hundreds of options. What’s a self-planning travel genius to do? Wade through 200 hotels?

You might have to. It’s a big problem. Flying to Rome can cost a bundle, and what if the hotel is the pits? Your spouse/partner/
roommate/cellmate is never going to shut up about it. So you search, narrow, check, search, come back later, search some more, etc. etc. It can be a long, and annoying process.

At this point, you’re feeling completely in the dark and might turn to a travel guidebook, magazine, or website for help, by a leading travel expert such as Frommer’s Travel or Budget Travel, for example. Their experts provide a candid look at the hotel, the surrounding neighborhood, and whether it’s a good spot for the family or better suited for the party-til-2am crowd. If only you could start your KAYAK hotel search by filtering your search results by Frommer’s Travel and Budget Travel recommendations?

Ta da! Starting today, KAYAK users will be able to do just that, filter hotel searches by recommendations from the experts at Frommer’s Travel and Budget Travel.

And one last thing – our budding romance with the Frommer’s crew extends to more than searches on KAYAK. Our partnership includes providing Frommer’s Travel with KAYAK travel search capabilities and travel content.

Good luck finding your next great hotel

P.S. We’re working to bring you even more expert travel advice in the near future.