
In a perfect world, there’d be no hassle when you travel. You’d always get extra legroom. In-flight meals would be gourmet. And flights would never, ever be delayed or cancelled. But even though this isn’t a perfect world — we have the perfect solution for that last one.

KAYAK has partnered with Service, a tech startup that works to secure compensation for travelers, to help our users get paid for delayed and cancelled domestic flights. Now, when you search for a domestic flight and book using the option labeled “KAYAK” — we’ll tell Service to start watching your flight. (Don’t worry — KAYAK won’t share any information with Service beyond anonymous flight details so they can monitor a particular route.) Then, if you experience a delay or cancellation, Service will alert us so that we can reach out to you with info on how to begin the process.

Better yet, it’s a win-win for both airlines and travelers. Service saves the average traveler over $300 each year by helping them find compensation packages and offers. And for airlines, Service helps them keep their customers feeling happy and taken care of even if they’ve experienced a disrupted flight. By adding them to your search experience, this is just another way we’re making sure you’re not just confident, you’re KAYAK Confident when you book a flight. Because now you know that if a flight’s delayed, you could get paid.


About the author

KAYAK Since 2004, KAYAK has been revolutionising the travel industry. Metasearch for travel? No one was doing it. Until we did. Today, we process billions of queries across our platforms each year for travel information, helping millions of travellers around the globe make confident decisions. With every query, KAYAK searches hundreds of travel sites to show travellers the information they need to find the right flights, hotels, hire cars and holiday packages.

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