
Tomorrow, our site will look a bit different. We thought we’d say a few words about it.

We did write a terrific press release and had planned to announce the new design by spamming every reporter who has an email. We also thought about the ever-important home page message and customer e-mail to tell them all about the new design (because surely no one will notice it otherwise, and people are just dying to know the story behind it).

We hate that stuff too. So we decided to spare everyone. If you agree, please stop reading now.

…But please do check out the new design tomorrow.

Still fascinated? OK, so here’s all we’re going to say about it. We like it a lot. We really hope that everyone who uses KAYAK does too. In truth, it’s the exact same user interface. So, if you’re familiar with the tools on our site today, you’ll be pleased that none of it has changed. It really is a new package with the same great KAYAK taste, but now with Shiny.

And one more thing, you’ll probably notice that we’ve given the KAYAK ‘flippy’ a prominent feature on our home page. Yes, we love ‘flippy’ mostly because we think it looks cool but also because we’ve had it for six years as a little animation collecting data from hundreds of travel sites. As to the rumor floating around that we put the flippy there to make fun of one of our senior manager’s unibrow, that is a vicious lie spread by one of our jealous competitors (we know who you are). We love his unibrow, just as we love flippy. We should also mention that our advertising agency, Goodby, Silverstein & Partners worked with our U/I team on the new design and did a fantastic job. Thanks and kudos to them. Oh, and for the record, we do really like the old starbursts on new beer can designs, and we’re not making fun of those either. OK, enough already. We mentioned you should stop reading a few paragraphs earlier.