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5 stars

Ryokan Usagiyama Auberge Hasenberg

Hasenbergstrasse 774, 8967 Widen, Aargau, Switzerland
+41 56 648 40 00
Ryokan Usagiyama Auberge Hasenberg
Wed 5/15
Thu 5/16
Provider for Ryokan Usagiyama Auberge Hasenberg
Provider for Ryokan Usagiyama Auberge Hasenberg
Provider for Ryokan Usagiyama Auberge Hasenberg

About Ryokan Usagiyama Auberge Hasenberg

  • Ryokan Room
    Room at a traditional Japanese inn

Latest deals for Ryokan Usagiyama Auberge Hasenberg

Wed 5/15
Thu 5/16
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*Total includes estimated local taxes & fees payable on check out.

Prices are based on 1 night, not including taxes and fees

Reviews of Ryokan Usagiyama Auberge Hasenberg

All reviews are collected from real users with a verified booking made with KAYAK or one of our trusted external partners.

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Hasenbergstrasse 774, 8967 Widen, Aargau

What's nearby



Check in anytime after 4:00 PM, check out anytime before 12:00 PM


Cancellation/prepayment policies vary by room type and provider.

When to book a room at Ryokan Usagiyama Auberge Hasenberg

Price per night. Prices are not fixed and may vary with time.
Average nightly price per month
Average nightly price

FAQs when booking at Ryokan Usagiyama Auberge Hasenberg

  • Where is Ryokan Usagiyama Auberge Hasenberg located?

    Ryokan Usagiyama Auberge Hasenberg is located at Hasenbergstrasse 774, 0.7 miles from the center of Widen.

  • When is check-in time and check-out time at Ryokan Usagiyama Auberge Hasenberg?

    Check-in time is 4:00 PM and check-out time is 12:00 PM at Ryokan Usagiyama Auberge Hasenberg.

  • How far is Ryokan Usagiyama Auberge Hasenberg from the airport?

    Ryokan Usagiyama Auberge Hasenberg is 10.4 miles from Zurich.

  • How does KAYAK find such great Ryokan Usagiyama Auberge Hasenberg hotel deals?

    KAYAK scours the web for all room deals available at Ryokan Usagiyama Auberge Hasenberg in Widen and lets you compare them to find the best rate for your stay. Many different travel sites will offer discounts or deals at different times for rooms at Ryokan Usagiyama Auberge Hasenberg and KAYAK will provide you with prices from a huge range of travel sites. That means that you can always find a great deal for Ryokan Usagiyama Auberge Hasenberg.

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Good to know

Distance to city center

0.7 mi

Nearest Airport


Distance to airport

10.4 mi