
Finding a great travel deal is all about doing your research and knowing when to go. Lucky for you, we’re here to do the work for you. We crunched the numbers to bring you the top destinations serving up the best flight deals for Canadian travellers over the next 3 months. From tropical escapes to unexpected city breaks with options both domestic and international, there’s something for everyone. Here are the cities seeing the largest drops in airfare so you can get a jump on planning that summer vacation with confidence.

Best Deals: July

1. Ottawa, Ontario

13% Drop in price

$495 Median airfare

Accommodations in Ottawa
Flights to Ottawa

2. Maui, Hawaii

12% Drop in price

$718 Median airfare

Accommodations in Maui
Flights to Maui

3. Lima, Peru

10% Drop in price

$807 Median airfare

Accommodations in Lima
Flights to Lima

4. Toronto, Ontario

10% Drop in price

$480 Median airfare

Accommodations in Toronto
Flights to Toronto


Best Deals: August


1. Edmonton, Alberta

23% Drop in price

$286 Median airfare

Accommodations in Edmonton
Flights to Edmonton

2. Barcelona, Spain

10% Drop in price

$918 Median airfare

Accommodations from $58
Flights to Barcelona

3. Bali, Indonesia

9% Drop in price

$1,426 Median airfare

Accommodations in Bali
Flights to Bali

4. Paris, France

8% Drop in price

$882 Median airfare

Accommodations in Paris
Flights to Paris


Best Deals: September

1. Abbotsford, British Columbia

33% Drop in price

$203 Median airfare

Accommodations in Abbotsford
Flights to Abbotsford

2. Sofia, Bulgaria

20% Drop in price

$967 Median airfare

Accommodations in Sofia
Flights to Sofia

3. Budapest, Hungary

10% Drop in price

$1,120 Median airfare

Accommodations in Budapest
Flights to Budapest

4. Madrid, Spain

9% Drop in price

$1,012 Median airfare

Accommodations in Madrid
Flights to Madrid


How far ahead to book travel based on where you’re flying

LocationWhen to book
North America1 month ahead
Caribbean1 month ahead
Europe2 months ahead
South Pacific4 months ahead
Central America6 months ahead
South America6 months ahead
Africa6 months ahead
Middle East6 months ahead
Asia6 months ahead

For on Monthly Deal Destinations, we considered searches conducted on the CA KAYAK site between 10/25/2017 – 10/24/2018 for travel from Canada occurring for travel dates between 10/25/2017-10/24/2018. To find the change in median airfare, travel dates 10/25/2016 – 10/24/2017 were used. The destinations shown have the greatest year over year percent decrease in airfare from our top 100 searched for destinations by month. For our regional when to book recommendations, we looked at flights searches conducted on the CA KAYAK site between 10/25/2017 – 10/24/2018 for travel from Canada from 10/25/2017 – 10/24/2018. Data was capped at 6 months (182/183 days) before departure date.

About the author

KAYAK Since 2004, KAYAK has been revolutionising the travel industry. Metasearch for travel? No one was doing it. Until we did. Today, we process billions of queries across our platforms each year for travel information, helping millions of travellers around the globe make confident decisions. With every query, KAYAK searches hundreds of travel sites to show travellers the information they need to find the right flights, hotels, hire cars and holiday packages.

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