preloadnearby airports and flexible dates

Wondering how to save even more on a flight? One of the simplest ways is to use KAYAK’s Flexible Dates tool. It shows you how much you’ll save just by having some wiggle room on your arrival or departure dates.

To use, go to our flight search and select your intended dates for travel. Then, choose from a drop-down menu to search up to 3 days before and after those dates. See if being flexible pays off — with more savings in your pocket.

Here’s how to do it:

Want another money-saving flight hack? Selecting “Nearby airports” on your flight search will tell us to look for options at other airports within a 70-100-mile radius of your origin and/or destination. Sometimes, flying into a smaller airport might help you save on a flight, or you may not realize that an international hub is just an extra 20 miles away.

Here’s how to do it: