Author spotlight


Watch out for scams: KAYAK will never request payments from job seekers
How to avoid scams while looking for a job at KAYAK.
Tips for babyproofing your vacation rental
If you have kids, you’ve likely babyproofed your home, but it's also important to consider babyproofing your vacation rental...
What do I do if my flight is grounded?
As many of us have seized the opportunity to travel this past summer, it’s become apparent that the flight...
Exploring Australia by train
From mountains and coastline to cities and the Outback, exploring Australia by train offers something for every type of...
Your guide to exploring Italy by train
Boasting some of Europe’s fastest trains. Travel around Italy by train, discovering a country steeped in culture, food, wine...
Ways travelers can support the Asian American community
As May is Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage month, we’re highlighting some of our favorite businesses, neighborhoods and...
Do the research, Todd: Introducing our latest campaign, KAYAK Deniers.
Picture this: you’ve brought your new boyfriend on vacation with the family. It’s the first time they’ve met the...
KAYAK 2021 Gift the Gift of Travel Sweepstakes – Official Rules
1. Introduction: The Sweepstakes referenced below (“Sweepstakes”) is organized by KAYAK Software Corporation (“KAYAK”), located at 7 Market Street,...
Travel habits by state: KAYAK’s 2021 Travel Awards
Well, it’s that time of year again. The leaves are changing, the days are getting shorter, and award shows...