
The KAYAK technology team has a secret “red phone” which is a hotline between travelers and our product development team.

Every now and then (currently about 30% of the time) when a traveler visits the page, the secret Red Phone number shows up as an optional way to contact our team.

Red Phone

The Red Phone has a mechanical ringer, and is set to be LOUD 🙂 and given that we have an open office layout, when an engineer answers the phone, their peers can hear how that engineer works with the traveler who called us. The purpose of the Red Phone is simply to give one additional method for KAYAK engineers to be in contact with travelers every day.

Do you have a question for KAYAK? Please contact us 🙂 (If you don’t see the secret phone number, reload the page a few times and it will show up.) We also reply to all email “in real-time” — give it a shot.

–Paul English

(Preview photo cred: