
When you search cars on KAYAK, you’re comparing options from a wide range of travel providers and car rental agencies so you can find exactly what you’re looking for. And, now, KAYAK’s car search is getting even more comprehensive.


We’re excited to announce a new partnership with leading car-sharing brand, Turo. Like a home share, car sharing gives you access to a wide selection of options shared by local hosts. SUV for that ski trip? You can even filter on Turo to only see available cars with ski racks.


With flexible cancellation (a full refund up to 24 hours before your trip) and convenient pick-up (avoid long lines at rental car companies, or even have the car delivered to you), Turo has a lot to offer travelers looking for a ride in locations across the US, Canada and the UK, and can be a convenient alternative to public transportation. Plus, with an enhanced cleaning policy in place and contactless check-in options, Turo has safety top of mind.


Turo will be the first peer-to-peer car-sharing platform to appear in KAYAK search results in the US, giving travelers more choice when it comes to finding the perfect car.


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