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  • 1. If the price drops after I've booked, will I be refunded?

    KAYAK does not handle the fulfillment of the travel product you booked. You should contact the online provider of the travel product from which you booked to see if you are entitled to a partial refund.

  • 2. What are Hacker Fares?

    Our Website looks for better round-trip deals by combining two tickets issued by different airlines for each direction of travel. Because two tickets will be issued, different rules and policies (for example, for baggage fees, change fees, and refunds) may apply in each direction. Any changes made to one of your tickets will not affect the other ticket (for example, if your initial flight is cancelled by either you or the airline, the other airline with which you booked your return flight is not obligated to issue a refund or change your itinerary). You are responsible for complying with each airline's terms and conditions, which may differ (for example, check-in times and limits on baggage size/weight). Please carefully review the details of each airline's contract before booking, and ensure that you complete the booking requirements for both tickets. Because fares change frequently, please check that both of the listed fares are still available before proceeding with your bookings. If you are traveling internationally, you may need to provide proof that you have a return flight at check in and at immigration. You may want to print both of your e-ticket confirmations before starting travel.

  • 3. Why doesn't the price on the provider website match the price on KAYAK?

    KAYAK searches across hundreds of travel sites at once to get you the most accurate results possible. On occasion, problems arise in the price & availability data we obtain from the travel sites.

If you encounter an inaccurate price please let us know so we can get to work on addressing the underlying issue asap!

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