
When you’re looking to book the right flight, KAYAK searches hundreds of other travel sites at once to find you the information you need to make the right decision. While you probably already know our search powers, did you also know that KAYAK has many other useful tricks that help make planning and managing your travel even better? Here are 6 of our top flight tips to help you find the right one.

1. Set Price Alerts to find the best deal.

Planning a trip to grandma’s in Boca? Find out when prices change with Price Alerts, which searches while you’re offline and notifies you with a text or email when airfares change.

2. Compare fares to see if straying from your loyalty program is worth it.

It’s not cheating if you use KAYAK to see how fares from your favorite airline match up to competitors. Because KAYAK is a search engine, not a retailer, we’re not trying to sell you anything. Instead, we’re showing you what you need to know so you can filter to find what you want and pick the best option for you. Plus, you get to choose who you book with… another site or directly with the airline.

3. Book two one-ways with Hacker Fares to save money.

Ever wonder if booking two one-way tickets would be less expensive than round-trip? “Hacker Fare” results in flight searches combine 2 one-way flights to get you the best price on round-trip airfare.

4. Know what you’re getting before you book.

Want to know if you’ll have WiFi on your flight or extra leg room? KAYAK will show you what’s offered on each leg of your trip in search results. If you’re more interested in knowing what amenities will come at an additional cost, our Airline Fees page can help you out.

5. Make your dates flexible to find the deals.

 When entering your travel dates, you can search for exact dates, up to 3 days +/- around your preferred travel dates, upcoming weekend or see the best prices for a month. Selecting the +/- 3-day Flex Search option when searching for flights shows you if leaving 3 days before or after your arrival and departure dates will save you serious cash.

6. Filter to get exactly what you want.

Are you all about those red-eyes? Need a flight that departs after 5pm? Have to work en route so it’s absolutely mandatory you have on-board WiFi? Yeah, we can help with that. Use our filters to be sure you’re getting the exact flight you want (they’re just to the left of your search results).

Looking for more? Our Travel Hacker Blog takes our site’s wealth of travel data and keeps you informed with regular insights, trends and tips. Connect with us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook for the latest travel information. So you can be confident you’re planning the perfect trip.