
Your ultimate guide for finding flights.

To help make your trip go smoothly, we asked our team of travel experts to create a flight guide based on common air travel questions. From advice about using the best flight search tools to tips on making the most out of your journey, here's all you need to know about flying.

How to find cheap flights.

Flight seats

What to know about flights.

Luggage illustration

All about baggage.

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preloadA white airplane on the runway alongside the ocean.

Best tools for planning your trips


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Best Time to Travel

Our Best Time to Travel tool uses your origin, destination and length of trip to determine when you should travel and when to book for a great price.
Front door mobile

The best travel meta app

Access mobile-only deals, view your trip details on the go and search hundreds of travel sites with one tap.

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Explore flights to anywhere

KAYAK Explore is your tool for finding cheap flights when you don’t have a particular destination in mind.

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Other popular tools

More expert tips on flying

Popular flight routes